Tube singles are becoming a standard in many rivers. We wanted to put some sexiness into our Tube single – it was not easy, but we think we have accomplished...
For tying big foam flies for freshwater and saltwater (Kona recommends the Surface Seducer¨ foam tying materials range), as well as large streamers and deer hair flies. The kink shank...
The top half of theses capes from Ewing is what gives the best selection of genetic dry fly hackle. It ranges from size 10-18 hooks and smaller. This Ewing Top...
Chenille is a required material for wooly worms, wooly buggers, and all sorts of nymphs. Micro chenille is easier to work with when tying smaller sizes.
This strong, dense chenille is made of pearl mylar and adds a lot of flash to the body of any pattern. Very similar to Estaz Standard (15mm wide, medium size)...