Recommended Steelhead Fly-Fishing Gear

You can find below a recommended list of fly-fishing gear and clothing for steelhead fishing selected by the Chagrin River Outfitters guides and staff:

Shop Steelhead Gear

Shop Steelhead Flies


Single Hand Rods, Reels, Fly Lines, Leaders and Tippets


 Suggested Products

Single hand fly rod: 9' or 10' - 6wt to 8wt (10’ 7wt preferred)

Orvis Clearwater Steelhead Outfit

Echo Indicator Steelhead Outfit

Echo ION XL Steelhead Outfit

Orvis Recon Steelhead Outfit

Echo Indicator 10' 7wt Rod

Echo ION XL 10' 7wt Rod

Orvis Clearwater® 10' 7wt Fly Rod

Weight-forward fly line to match rod weight

Scientific Anglers Anadro Indicator

Large arbor Reel with smooth drag and 150 yards of backing.

Orvis Hydros Reel IV

Orvis Clearwater® IV Reel

Orvis Battenkill Disc Fly IV Reel

Echo ION Fly 6/7 Reel

Echo Bravo LT Fly Reel

Orvis SSR Disc Spey Reels

Leaders & Tippet: 9 ft. 0X-3X with matching tippet.  Fluorocarbon is best.

Rio Powerflex 9' 0x 2 Pack Leader

Rio Fluoroflex Strong 1x Tippet

Rio Fluoroflex Strong 2x Tippet

Rio Fluoroflex Strong 3x Tippet

Steelhead Indicator Rig Starter Kit

Two Hand Rods, Reels, Fly Lines and Tippets


 Suggested Products

Switch/Spey rod: 11ft -12 1/2 ft 6, 7, or 8wt

Echo Swing Switch and Spey Rods

Orvis Mission Two-Handed Fly Rod

Orvis Clearwater® Two-Handed Fly Rods

Skagit head to match rod's grain weight and sinking tips

SA Spey Lite Integrated Skagit

RIO Skagit iMOW Tips

SA TC Tips


Large arbor Reel with smooth drag and 150 yards of backing.

Orvis Hydros Reel IV

Orvis SSR Disc Spey Reels

Sage Spey II Reel


Maxima Ultragreen

Steelhead Flies


Suggested Products




Trout Beads

Streamside Accessories

Cold Weather Clothing

A layering system of moisture wicking clothing seem to work best for both top and bottom applications.  Fleece pants (no jeans) work best under your waders. Liner socks under your wading socks will make your feet feel cozy.  Fleece hat and gloves along with a Buff is recommended.  Breathable Gore-Tex wading/rain jacket is a must for our inclement weather conditions here on Steelhead Alley.

Wading Gear

Breathable stocking foot and studded rubber bottom boots. Wading staff can be very helpful in our rivers.


Please call shop at 440 247 7110 or stop in for any questions.

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