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Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1120 Heavy Wire Scud Hooks - Bronze

Continuous bend, down-eye, 2X-heavy wire, 1X-short shank, forged, reversed. Uses: Scud, Shrimp, Grubs, Pupae, San Juan Worms, Nymph. Each package contains 25 hooks.
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1130 Wide Gap Scud Hooks - Bronze

Tiemco introduced continuous bend hooks into the American fly-tying market in the 1980’s. This particular style is similar to the TMC 2487, which quickly became popularly known as a “Scud...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseDry fly Hooks

Daiichi 1160 Klinkhammer Dry Fly Hooks - Bronze

Curved shank, wide gape, slightly heavy wire, straight-eye. Uses: Klinkhamers, Emergers, Caseless Caddis Nymphs and Gammarus Patterns.
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseDry fly Hooks

Daiichi 1180 Dry Fly Hooks - Bronze

The 1182 version of this hook features Daiichi’s Crystal(TM) Finish which is a white, silvery plate. A fish looking up at a fly with a “Crystal Finish” hook will find...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1260 Curved Hook - Bronze

The 1260 hook was designed in 1995 by the Orvis Company and Angler Sport Group as a hook to use specifically with metal beads to make “bead head” nymphs. The...
$ 8.50
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1270 Multi-Use Curved Hook - Bronze

The york bend was developed by Daiichi to simulate a more natural looking curved hook. Many tiers feel that these curved hooks impart amore life like natural appearance in the...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseDry fly Hooks

Daiichi 1280 Dry Fly Hooks - Bronze

Longer dry flies need longer hooks! This hook is great for hoppers, crickets, and other terrestrials as well as damselflies, stoneflies, or large mayflies. Each package contains 25 hooks.
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1530 Heavy Wet Fly Hook

In the early days of fly tying and fly-fishing, “wet flies” were king. Dry flies and nymphs today are more popular, but wet flies, which are fished subsurface, are still...
$ 7.70
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1550 Nymph Hooks - Bronze

This is the traditional “wet fly” hook. Wet flies are time honored, successful, subsurface patterns. (see 1530) These hooks feature a more gradual curve of the wire in the transition...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1560 Nymph Hooks - Bronze

1X-long hooks are about “one eye length” longer than standard shank length. They are used for slightly longer wet flies, which give them a “truer to nature” dimension, considering that...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1640 Short Shank Straight Eye Hook

The 1640 has found many uses as a dry fly hook. However, it’s standard wire, 2X-short shank & the straight-eye makes this hook ideal for all sorts of trout tube flies.
$ 7.50
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials

Daiichi 1650 Heavy Tube Fly/Egg Hook - Bronze

1650 Multi-use specialty hook. Bronze, Round bend, straight-eye, 2X-short shank, reversed, forged, 2X-heavy wire.  Uses: Egg patterns, and tube flies 
$ 8.25