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Tube singles are becoming a standard in many rivers. We wanted to put some sexiness into our Tube single – it was not easy, but we think we have accomplished just that. Short shank, strong wire and wide gape – this hook WILL get the job done.
- Black Nickel Finish
- Available in size 2 – 8
- Chemically sharpened with small barb
• Free ground shipping (4 to 7 days) for orders $50.00 and over
• Ground shipping rate (4 to 7 days) $2.99 for orders up to $24.99
• Ground shipping rate (4 to 7 days) $5.99 for orders between $25.00 and $49.99
• Standard ground shipping (3-4 days) $9.99
• Express ground shipping (1-2 days) $19.99
We only apply Ohio sales tax to orders that ship within our state. Orders shipping out of state will not include a sales tax.
Please call the shop for expedited shipping options.