The short-shank streamer hook for tying Game Changers, tarpon flies, and other streamers where failure is simply not an option. Articulated Shanks are ideal to combine with the BGH for...
The traditional VEEVUS Threads, which are the strongest on the market. Each spool has 100 meters of thread. Which Thread to Use? THREAD SIZE FLY TYING APPLICATION 16/0, 10/0 or 32 Denier...
Same as 2451 except made of stainless-steel wire. Daiichi does not chemically sharpen these hooks because the process does not work favorably with this alloy. These hooks have ground needlepoints. They...
VEEVUS Power Threads are super strong and lie flat on the hook, giving you maximum control. They are available in 3 sizes (70, 140 and 240), in 10 colors. Please note...